
The Pettygrove family is lives in Papua New Guinea to serve those working in Bible translation
Join us with our progress....

Friday, December 28, 2012

Our first Christmas in PNG

No poinsettias in the house but some along the roads

Elijah's class Christmas Party Caroling

Sunday Morning Christmas Church Service

Someone lent us a small tree.  Gifts we brought with

Elijah's gift wrapping his sweat shirt.  My gift wrapping was a plastic bag

Elijah opening his gift from Danielle

Christmas Eve opening gifts

Carefully opening

Gifts opened

My Christmas decorations are in the shipment still coming

                                                      Gifts for the white elephant exchange.                                                                                                                                        We unwrapped our gifts carefully the night before                                                                   so we would have paper to wrap with

We were invited to a home for Christmas Dinner and activities. Talent show

Presenting my talent(origami flower) to our host

Jay reading his Bible overview of Malachi for the talent show

Elijah's first white elephant gift.  Someone stole it from him and he ended up with a puzzle
We enjoyed our first Christmas here.  It does not seem like Christmas without snow and cold.  On Christmas Eve the center held a Christmas program with drama, singing and candlelight. We had an Italian meal (also our family tradition)hosted by some friends we made in our previous training in the states.  We attended the service together and walked back to their house for dessert holding burning candles .  Around 10pm we went home and traditionally opened gifts.  Christmas Day we skyped our children and prepared for the Christmas dinner.  We met new people ad enjoyed our time. The talent show and white elephant exchange livened up the day. At home in the evening  we watched "The Nativity" and made pop corn on the stove top. Hope your day was filled with memories.

So thankful Jesus came so we can enjoy life in Him Everyday.  May He continue to reign in your life.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Go tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born

While shepherds kept their watching
Over silent flocks by night,
Behold throughout the heavens,
There shone a holy light:
Go, Tell It On The Mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere

This year as I sang “Go tell it On the Mountain,” it had more meaning to me.  Growing up on the Wisconsin Illinois border I had some little hills but no mountains.  I have enjoyed traveling in the Rocky Mountains and the  Appalachian Mountains.  However this year I can look out my back door and see…..

From where we are people have pointed in different directions saying a name of a village.  Over these mountains are several people groups.  There are over 800 languages here in Papua New Guinea.  Many of the people we meet are going out to serve the nationals through Bible translations. Nationals come to the center to work and assist in this endeavor.  Because of the mountains some of these people groups are only reachable by airplane or helicopter. Some people here have assess to the Bible in their heart language, others only portions, and some have no translation.  As in all cultures their are some hungry to receive the Word of God and others have no desire. Pray with us that the people of Papua New Guinea will be able to have the Word of God in their heart language and that it will change their lives.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, 
so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.  
John 3:16

Friday, December 21, 2012

We are here

O God, your ways are holy.
    Is there any god as mighty as you? 
 You are the God of great wonders!
    You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations. 
Psalms 77:13,14

For over 2 years we have been sharing with people God’s new plan for our lives.  It involves living in Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea as support staff for missionaries here.  We have had the privilege of meeting several translators as well as their colleagues who supply technical help with telephone and computers, communications, medical care, transportation, and spiritual support.  It is a privilege to be on the center with many serving our God.  We have met people from Germany, England, Australia, Sweden, Finland and of course the nationals.

Many things here are the same as at home but then again many things are not.
I will try and list a few differences:

The door knobs turn to the left
It is normal to sell expired food
Electricity goes off at any time (fortunately it goes back on quickly)
Couches are a covered piece of foam on a wooden bench (Mattresses too)
Everyone takes lunch 12 to 1
It gets light around by 6am and dark by 7pm
You can plant a garden all year long
It is not appropriate to hold hands with your spouse
Toilets have an option of half flush or full flush
The store closes for 11 days during the holidays

My honey.  Check out his website. Pettygroveprogress.org  

We live in this half of the duplex

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Less than 3 weeks ago

Less than 3 weeks ago we were approved to start our assignment in Papua New Guinea.  Our partnership was at 95% and we were allowed to purchase airline tickets.  After much prayer we decided on a time. And that time is NOW. 
With our financial partnership complete at 100% we are departing to PNG.  Friday December 7th we left Midway Airport in Chicago and went to Los Angeles for the night.  We have the privilege of seeing our family (sister-in-law, nieces and a nephew) for a day.  Saturday at 8pm we head to Auckland New Zealand to arrive at their time of 6am Monday.  Next stop Cairns, Australia and then Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea where at 230pm we will take a small plane to Ukarumpa, our home for the next few years.   They have a place reserved for us to stay and a host family to help orientate us to the community.
A friend wanted to know where we would be according to Midwest time so they could pray for us.  If I figured it correctly this is the schedule. 

  Saturday December 8 Depart LA at 10pm 
  Arrive Sunday to Auckland at 11am 
  Depart Auckland at 1210Arrive Cairns 525pm 
 Depart Cairns 8pm 
  Arrive at Port Moresby 925pm
  Leave Port Moresby 1021pm
 Arrive at Ukarumpa ?

Thank you for the prayers.  My next blog will be from Papua New Guinea!!