
The Pettygrove family is lives in Papua New Guinea to serve those working in Bible translation
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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Darkness, Rest and Light

Living in the southern hemisphere, close to the equator, has been playing mind games with me as I try to remember what month I am in. Is it March or September? Spring or Autumn? June or December? Summer or Winter?
The sun is out.
The flowers are blooming.
It is rainy season.
It is Christmas.
I read a friend’s beautiful blog talking about how it did not feel like Christmas. She reminded us of the presence of God in Christmas which we have available to us all year through Jesus, so that no matter where you are it can truly feel like Christmas.         (http://purposeasia.blogspot.com/)
My thoughts this Christmas season revolved around darkness, rest, and light. In the Midwest of United States, it is winter time. The sun sets early at 4:30pm. It is dark, usually cold, and maybe there’s a snowstorm or two. It is winter time. One puts their pajamas on and stays home in the evenings. Yes, if you have to go out, you dress warm before you head out into the cold. It is part of life. Spring, summer, fall and winter each has its own perks. Winter is a time for hibernating when you have a chance. I am missing the excuse to stay inside. One time, I had a friend mention how life in the Midwest was different than where they lived in California. They did not understand how busy and full the summer days were and how quiet some winter days were until they had lived it. Then they knew.
So now in my quiet days, as I ponder my thoughts
I will rest in my Savior
who began his sacrifice in the Christmas season
allowing his presence to fill me
making room for the light.
“I am the world’s Light.
 No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness.
I provide plenty of light to live in.”
John 8:12
May we rest in His Presence and live in His Light.
Grateful for the LIGHT!

Many plants blooming around us.

gardens growing

 Happy New Year!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016
First and favorite Christmas decoration up.

No Elijah this year to put the artificial tree up.
One night a family had a live Nativity down the road from us. Jay thought this was a fun idea for people to see as they went by our place to view it.

Making cut out cookies with friends.

Christmas Eve dinner with a couple young girls. Manicotti


Megan and I.
Christmas Eve Program (picture taken by a friend).
French Toast Casserole for breakfast. Jay's stocking gift of pure maple sugar.

On Call for the four day weekend. However everyone stayed healthy enough not to call the nurse on call.

Benefits of being on call. A vehicle to drive. The ambulance.

Instructions for our Christmas Dinner given by the hostess.

Welcome at 1:00pm
Christmas Feast
‘God’s Gift’
Christmas story
‘Promise gift’s given
Gift Exchange & trading (In the carport)
Lighting of JESUS birthday cake
‘Christmas past’ sharing
Door Prizes
Ping-Pong, Christmas block walk
Supper at 6:30

View while we ate dinner out on the porch.

Our feast

Wonderful group of friends. The doctor on call was at the same party.

Birthday cake for Jesus with candles being blown out by a December birthday.

Desserts of course.

A poinsettia outside growing naturally instead of a center piece on my table.

 Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year from PNG

Saturday, September 3, 2016

August 2016


For us
August is birthday month
I am married to an older man for 17 days
First year Jay and I are celebrating as “empty nester”
Our oldest turned 28
Our youngest turned 20
28 years of having children in the home

Jay and his gifts
Arizona Tea
Chocolate Milk
Pecan Pie
Pure Maple Syrup (in the bag)

Favorite meal
mashed potatoes

Did you notice the bottle of rubbing alcohol above?
for Jay's homemade heater

Happy Birthday to my oldest

My Party

  Friends from the clinic came over and brought food to snack on while we watched my favorite movie "Mad Money"

someone made me a cake
someone gave me flowers
someone gave me a candy bar
someone gave me blue nail polish
    someone made me ice cream 
Grateful for Friends
I was able to send a cake to Elijah    

 Happy Birthday Elijah
Thank you ZAG Homemade Creations

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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Patient (or nurse)


As a patient

In another country

I have been the medevac nurse and delivered patients to my health care colleagues in Australia (AU) but this time I was the patient. I have nursing experience and experience as patient in a wonderful hospital in the Midwest USA. Therefore I would like to simply share about nursing in the US and in AU. To clarify some of this will be only understood by nurses.

I received very good care.

No floor nurse likes a blood pressure under 90 diastolic. Yes, nurses recheck, push fluids, place in Trendelenburg and call the doctors for low blood pressures. I have done this as a nurse in the US and experienced it as a patient in AU.

Beware of the different verbiage

·         Do you have to wee?                     (use the bathroom)
·         I am going to get your tablets          (medications)
·         Ready for the scratch                     (poke)
·         Can you be 5 minutes?                   ( be ready in )
·         Let me get your obs                       (vitals)
·         Sing out                                         ( yell or let me know)
·         Way out                                         (exit)
·         Rubbish                                         (trash)

I learned to drink hot tea. It was offered mid-morning, afternoon, evenings and
along with the meals. They also offered milo- a type of hot chocolate drink made
with barley.  I was served for breakfast a hard roll, cereal similar to raisin bran or hot oatmeal. The other meals consisted of a variety including chicken sausage, curry, and cooked pumpkin. Most of the meals I enjoyed, they were just different than what I was used to eating.

The male nurses wore shorts as their uniform. I was informed it was allowed because the hospital was on the coast and considered in the tropics. They always looked professional. The female nurses wore business type skirts.

As a patient, I was allowed to leave the hospital in a wheel chair and sight-see by the ocean.

When I was admitted I was placed in an isolation room until they ruled out TB or other contagious respiratory diseases. I found it funny that many of the nurses who cared for me were float nurses. 

As a patient, I listened to the noise in the halls, remembering the many times I walked confused patients around and around.

As a nurse, I enjoy giving good care.

As a patient, I am grateful for the good care I have received.

I am most of all thankful to God who brought healing in my life and in my patients’ lives.

still using oxygen

view from my window, the other side had the ocean view

Jay took very good care of me